Chris Gunter
Braint ac anrhydedd ydi cael yr alwad gan eich gwlad. Pan ganodd y ffôn y tro hwn roedd yr alwad 'chydig yn wahanol, a'r cais i dalu teyrnged mewn paentiad i fy ffrind ac arwr sy'n ennill ei 100fed cap dros ei wlad.
Carreg filltir anhygoel a gwas ffyddlon i Gymru. Mae'r stadiwm heno'n wag ond mae Cymru gyfan mor falch o'r gamp anhygoel 'ma ti 'di ei chyflawni.
Balch iawn ohono ti Chris.
It’s the greatest honour to be called by your country, but this time when the phone rang I was asked to paint my mate as he wins his 100th cap for Wales.
A phenomenal achievement. What a servant he’s been for us.
The stadium might have been empty but there’s a standing ovation from the whole of Wales, we’re all very proud of you.